2019 Competition Entry

“Change how we see and see how we bychange”- Rick Guidotti

The main narrative of the proposal is the intentional manipulation of Effect to engage Affect. Through the power of architecture, spaces are carefully curated to play a multi-sensorial experience as one navigates the complex. Light plays the most essential part in creating this journey. The main site is left untouched and existing trees are preserved. This is a place for the people and by opening up the site to the public, it will bring visitors closer to appreciating the sacrifices that were made and the hopeful trajectory we all aspire for.

Mapping. The dark, seemingly heavy volume is juxtaposed with lightness by making it float. This is made possible by interjecting three pure, white blocks, transcending from the ground and supporting this heavy mass. These convolution of masses portray the spirit of Filipinos rising up amidst adversities. These three blocks represent the three oppositions - Revolutionary, Reformist, and Religious - that fought back which led to the decline of the dictatorship. They house the galleries and are laid out as Block One for Hope, Block Two for Decline and Block Three for Freedom. The connecting Skybridges serve as connectors and as community spaces between the towers signifying the importance of the community in being constantly vigilant and involved.

User Experience. The exploration of the diagrammatic flow of people is anchored on the idea of opposites. Opposing materiality, This technique is implemented to create a dynamic spatial experience. Upon reaching the convergence area, right below the heavy, floating mass, guests will be greeted by the memorial wall, glass slabs seemingly floating on water, a very light and serene experience and a stark contrast from the heavy volume above it. The names of the victims are etched on these glass installations, a translucent material that will create a ghostlike silhouette of people traversing different areas of the installation.