URban unblocking

Design Research, Published Book 2017


Culture of Design 

The existence of urban decay is a natural phenomenon that happens due to outward expansion of cities. It threatens the social, cultural, historical and economical value of the city suffering from it; altering all together the life of the locals residing in the area. It is for this reason that the elements formulated by the PPP namely connectivity, sociability, comfort, variety of use, and sustainability – the indispensable factors that define the characteristics of places that flourish – served as the key foundations in redesigning the city of Lucena. The research has garnered fruitful results as it provided an in-depth calculation of the overall improvement of the situation of Lucena and the opportunities it now holds for its locals. This study has produced several schemes and guidelines with the ambition to instill a culture of design that is not limited to demolishing structures in order to build from scratch, rather, one that is strongly grounded on sustainable, eco-friendly and community-oriented techniques that adapt to what is already existing instead of alter it altogether. This study aims to inspire future revitalization projects to follow suit with the proposed schemes and guidelines as anchors.