Glass villa


Situated on a gentle slope, this vacation home utilizes the downward slant of the slope to conceal a substantial part of the structure. This upward silhouette can be clearly seen through the side, giving the front part of the house a lower, intimate scale as opposed to the more massive volume at the rear which, in turn, gives more openings for views. Divided into two independent volumes intersecting at the central courtyard, the private and public blocks can both function separately in terms of circulation. Once you enter from the central part of the structure, you are directed immediately towards the double-height courtyard in the middle, enhanced by the enclosing walls of the entrance foyer. As you move, you will be greeted by the public space, dining and kitchen in this case, as seen as the gathering space for the family. The central courtyard though covered with a skylight, so it can function year-round, Is maximizing both light and ventilation as well as security. The use of glass window louvers on one side and huge perforated steel mesh rotating panels on the other, it has the flexibility to bring in the cool winds of the city or shut off to a minimal flow. With this area being protected, tiered wood deck seating is incorporated to give more use to an often dead space in houses. It’s tiered type setup also seamlessly integrates towards the lower part of the site which houses the entertainment room and the bedrooms.